a friend read my summary of the cloud of unknowing, and gently let me know that it had way too many words, and that not everyone was as familar with king james english as i am... so i listened. and i rewrote a much reduced
summary of the cloud of unknowing in modern english
1 comment:
Hello Peter,
Glad to see that there are people interested in such texts nowadays too:) Cloud of Unknowing is a text I have read maybe even some twenty years ago, here in Greece where I live, in a Greek translation from a bishop of our Eastern Orthodox Church. I consider it as a help of crucial importance in my life route. It is a text poured out from actual experience of God's presence in the very concrete everydayness.
Beside, it is a text showing a deep realization through the elements of Western World's existential salvation tradition, in that case the Christian one's. This is important because of today's West's socio-religious condition where the tendency of supposing that such realizations are almost solely something having to do with Asian traditions is prevalent.
You may find a very good book series of texts of Western Spirituality (including not only Christian but, as well, Jewish and Muslim writings and even American Indian traditions)by Paulist Press, named Western Spirituality Classics.
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